
A Note on Lent:

During the 40-day season of Lent, the words we sing, say and pray invite us to leave the seemingly safe space of our heads, to unclench our grip on our finite lives and our limited intellect, to step beyond our illusion of control, and to enter the seemly risky space of uncertainty and mystery.

In sum, Lent is an invitation to honest self-examination and to becoming more aware of the attitudes and behaviors that keep us from living the life God gives us in the way God desires of us and as revealed in the life, teachings and example of Christ Jesus.  The word “lent” itself comes from the Old English work len(c)ten, meaning “spring season,” thus, through the stillness and attentiveness we prioritize in this season, we begin seeing more clearly the approaching light of spring and the promise of renewal and resurrection.

Our Palm-Passion Sunday service is April 14.  It will be a joint service with our friends at Eastminster.

Our Maundy Thursday service is April 18. Join us for a brief service from 6:30-7:30p.

Our Easter service is Sunday, April 21. It will be a joint service with Eastminster. More details to come!

Join us for our Lenten book study on Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Learning to Walk in the Dark. In this book, Taylor explores the breadth of a spirituality that includes darkness. As we journey through the Lent season, we, too, will dive into a more textured spirituality through Taylor’s words, emerging with her at Easter to find new life—even through the dark!  Co-led by Jenny Cook and Meredith Cox, we will meet the next two Sundays at 9:45am in the Assembly Room.

The Third Sunday in Lent

We begin and prepare for worship by centering ourselves, remembering the waters of baptism.

In baptism, we are joined to Christ and made members of one body, a people seeking to live faithfully into God’s purpose for us and for all creation.


*CALL TO WORSHIP  Psalm 63:1-4

O God, you are my God, I seek you,
my soul thirsts for you;
            my flesh faints for you,
            as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
            beholding your power and glory.
Because your steadfast love is better than life,
            my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live;
            I will lift up my hands and call on your name.

*HYMN 307  God of Grace and God of Glory  CWM RHONDDA


Being kind to ourselves and tenderhearted,
let us join together in this morning’s prayer of confession,
asking God to continue to renew our hearts and minds.


God of infinite goodness,
throughout the ages you have persevered
in claiming and reclaiming your people.
Renew for us your call to repentance,
surround us with witnesses to aid us in our journey,
and grant us the time to fashion our lives anew,
through Christ Jesus, your Beloved,
Anointed One. Amen.

Silent confession.


A copy of this response can be found on the seat of your pew.


Christ said: Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Believe the Good News of the Gospel.
In Jesus Christ we are loved and befriended by God.


And since we have been reconciled to God, let us also be reconciled to one another.

The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.

The congregation is invited to exchange signs of peace.


There’s a wideness in God’s mercy,
like the wideness of the sea.
There’s a kindness in God’s justice,
which is more than liberty.
There is no place where earth’s sorrows
are more felt than up in heaven.
There is no place where earth’s failings
have such kindly judgement given.



For the word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us, thanks be to God.                      

Title                    Kendra Ketter Chavis  

*HYMN 800  Sometimes a Light Surprises  SALLEY GARDENS


O God, in your loving kindness,
           Hear our prayer.



*DOXOLOGY  Hymn 223, verse 4

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were a present far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.


Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
(The prayer continues.)

The prayer concludes by singing the Casa del Sol Prayer of Jesus.  A copy of this can be found on the seat of your pew.

*HYMN 649  Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound   AMAZING GRACE



*Please rise in body or in spirit.
+Adapted from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers,
copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts

The Session of the Church:
Class of 2019: Mark Taylor, Brett Withers
Class of 2020: Alan Stephenson, Tom Eldridge
Class of 2021: Greg Gardner, Heidi Hall
Melinda Sanders, Moderator

We thank those who served in and prepared for worship today:

Kendra Ketter Chavis, Preacher
Jeff Moles, Director of Music Ministries
Tracy Bell, Liturgist
Jenny Cook and Cliff Mundy, Offering Takers

Woodland Presbyterian Church is an inclusive community of faith seeking to share God’s love for all Creation, welcoming everyone to full and equal participation in the church without regard to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, seeking to embody in our lives the love of God embodied in Christ Jesus.


A Note on Lent

During the 40-day season of Lent, the words we sing, say and pray invite us to leave the seemingly safe space of our heads, to unclench our grip on our finite lives and our limited intellect, to step beyond our illusion of control, and to enter the seemly risky space of uncertainty and mystery.

In sum, Lent is an invitation to honest self-examination and to becoming more aware of the attitudes and behaviors that keep us from living the life God gives us in the way God desires of us and as revealed in the life, teachings and example of Christ Jesus.  The word “lent” itself comes from the Old English work len(c)ten, meaning “spring season,” thus, through the stillness and attentiveness we prioritize in this season, we begin seeing more clearly the approaching light of spring and the promise of renewal and resurrection.

Join us for our Lenten book study on Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Learning to Walk in the Dark. In this book, Taylor explores the breadth of a spirituality that includes darkness. As we journey through the Lent season, we, too, will dive into a more textured spirituality through Taylor’s words, emerging with her at Easter to find new life—even through the dark!  Co-led by Jenny Cook and Meredith Cox, we will meet the next three Sundays at 9:45am in the Assembly Room.

The East Nashville Training Hub: In this chapter of Woodland’s life together, our church is engaged in an innovative partnership called the East Nashville Training Hub. The Training Hub, made up of mostly young adults, carry much of the day-to-day responsibilities for the church, including preaching and worship planning, service and fellowship events, and children’s ministry.  We are grateful for the energy, creativity, and engaging wisdom of this team!

The Second Sunday in Lent

We begin and prepare for worship by centering ourselves, remembering the waters of baptism.

In baptism, we are joined to Christ and made members of one body, a people seeking to live faithfully into God’s purpose for us and for all creation.


*CALL TO WORSHIP  Psalm 27:7-9, 13-14

Hear, O God, when I cry aloud,
be gracious to me and answer me!
            “Come,” my heart says, “seek God’s face!”
Your face, O God, do I seek.
            Do not hide your face from me.
I believe that I shall see the goodness of God
in the land of the living.
            Wait for the Holy One;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
            wait for the Holy One!

*HYMN 450  Be Thou My Vision  SLANE


Come, all who have inflicted or accepted oppression—
we share in the world’s sin.  
Come, all who make distinctions among people—
we participate in the brokenness of God’s family.  
Come, all who respond to the false voices of the world—
God is calling us away from our former limitations.


Hope Beyond All Human Hope,
you promised descendants as numerous as the stars
to Abraham and Sarah.
You promise light and salvation
in the midst of darkness and despair,
and promise redemption to a world that does not listen.
Gather us to yourself in tenderness,
open our ears that we may listen to your word,
and teach us to live faithfully
as people confident of the fulfillment of your promises.
We ask this in the name of Christ Jesus,
your Beloved One. Amen.

Silent confession.


A copy of this response can be found on the seat of your pew.


God’s grace is as vast as the stars in the sky.
The next time you go outside at night, look upward –
the beautiful, mysteriousness of God’s loving-kindness
is around you, and it is meant to be explored.

Believe the Good News of the Gospel.
In Jesus Christ we are loved and befriended by God.


Since we have been reconciled to God, let us also be reconciled to one another.

The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.

The congregation is invited to exchange signs of peace.


There’s a wideness in God’s mercy,
like the wideness of the sea.
There’s a kindness in God’s justice,
which is more than liberty.
There is no place where earth’s sorrows
are more felt than up in heaven.
There is no place where earth’s failings
have such kindly judgement given.

SCRIPTURE READING  Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

For the word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us, thanks be to God.                      

On Counting Stars                  Jenny Cook

*HYMN 50  Deep in the Shadows of the Past  SHEPHERDS’ PIPES


O God, in your loving kindness,
Hear our prayer



*DOXOLOGY  Hymn 223, verse 4

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were a present far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.


Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.

(The prayer continues.)

The prayer concludes by singing the Casa del Sol Prayer of Jesus.  A copy of this can be found on the seat of your pew.

*HYMN 543  O Christ, Surround Me  GREEN TYLER



*Please rise in body or in spirit.
+Adapted from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers,
copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts*

The Session of the Church:

Class of 2019: Mark Taylor, Brett Withers
Class of 2020: Alan Stephenson, Tom Eldridge
Class of 2021: Greg Gardner, Heidi Hall
Melinda Sanders, Moderator

We thank those who served in and prepared for worship today:

Jenny Cook, Preacher
Jeff Moles, Director of Music Ministries
Eliza Blades,Liturgist
Todd Moore and Cliff Mundy, Offering Takers
Scott Sauers, Special Music

Woodland Presbyterian Church is an inclusive community of faith seeking to share God’s love for all Creation, welcoming everyone to full and equal participation in the church without regard to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, seeking to embody in our lives the love of God embodied in Christ Jesus.


A Note on Lent

During the 40-day season of Lent, the words we sing, say and pray invite us to leave the seemingly safe space of our heads, to unclench our grip on our finite lives and our limited intellect, to step beyond our illusion of control, and to enter the seemly risky space of uncertainty and mystery.

In sum, Lent is an invitation to honest self-examination and to becoming more aware of the attitudes and behaviors that keep us from living the life God gives us in the way God desires of us and as revealed in the life, teachings and example of Jesus Christ. The word “lent” itself comes from the Old English work len(c)ten, meaning “spring season,” thus, through the stillness and attentiveness we prioritize in this season, we begin see more clearly the approaching light of spring and the promise of renewal and resurrection.

Join us for our Lenten book study on Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Learning to Walk in the Dark. Co-led by Jenny Cook and Meredith Cox, we will meet the next four Sundays at 9:45am in the Assembly Room.  In this book, Taylor explores the breadth of a spirituality that includes darkness. As we journey through the Lent season, we, too, will dive into a more textured spirituality through Taylor’s words, emerging with her at Easter to find new life—even through the dark!

The East Nashville Training Hub:

In this chapter of Woodland’s life together, our church is engaged in an innovative partnership called the East Nashville Training Hub. The Training Hub, made up of mostly young adults, carry much of the day-to-day responsibilities for the church, including preaching and worship planning, service and fellowship events, and children’s ministry.  We are grateful for the energy, creativity, and engaging wisdom of this team!


Our monthly potluck with Eastminster is today after worship. Join us in the downstairs dining room for food and fellowship.

Our next book study time begins Sunday, January 13 at 9:45am in the Assembly Room. Join us as Meredith Cox leads us in a six-week study and discussion on the “Great Ends of the Church.”

Our next Room In The Inn and Saturday Night Supper is Saturday, January 19 at 6pm. Contact Meredith Cox at if you would like to serve.

The First Sunday after Christmas

Welcome to Woodland! We’re glad you’re joining us this morning. Take a look at this week’s announcements, and be sure to fill out the visitor card at

You’re invited to rise in body or spirit for items in the bulletin marked with an asterisk*, and respond with the congregation for text that is bold. For now, sit back and relax as we begin the service.



*Call to Worship

Praise God, sun and moon;
praise God, all shining stars.
Praise God from the earth,
all sea monsters and deeps,
fire and hail, snow and frost,
every stormy wind fulfilling God’s command.
Praise God, all mountains and hills,
all fruit trees and cedars.
For God has raised up a horn for all people,
praise for all who are faithful,
the people of Israel who draw near.
Praise the Holy One!

*Hymn #143

“Angels from the Realms of Glory”

*Prayer of Confession

Loving God,
As we move into a new season,
help us to continually see your light
and feel your presence in our lives and communities,
not forgetting to lean on hope and one another,
so that when we find ourselves struggling to understand
life’s course, the injustices of the world,
and what does not make sense,
we may turn to wonder and to our neighbors,
and seek to be active vessels for your peace and lovingkindness.


Silent Confession

*Assurance of Confession

Believe the Good News of the Gospel.
In Jesus Christ we are loved and befriended by God.

*Passing of the Peace

Since we have been reconciled to God, let us also be reconciled to one another.

The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.


Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo! 


Scripture Readings

Luke 19:42,
Selections from I Kings 11:42-12:19.

For the word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us, thanks be to God.

Sermon: “How Family Feud”

Mark DeVries served as the Associate Pastor for Youth and Their Families at First Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee for 28 years and has served alongside the Woodland family for more than a year now.

He is the founder of Ministry Architects and Justice Industries and the co-founder of the Center for Youth Ministry Training and Ministry Incubators.  Mark is the author of 12 books, including recently released Reimagining Young Adult Ministry.  Mark and his wife Susan live in Nashville and have three grown children and four grandchildren.


Prayers of Supplication and Intercession

O God, in your loving kindness, hear our prayer.

The Offering


Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
risen with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by,
born that we no more may die,
born to raise us from the earth,
born to give us second birth.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lift up your hearts,
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.

Silent meditation.

We now pray together, saying…

Our Father-Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive the sins of others. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Hymn #110

Love Has Come


*Hymn #545

Song of Simeon


Longest Night Service (Blue Christmas): 6:00-6:30pm on Friday, December 21.

Christmas can be a difficult time for those experiencing sadness, loss, or grief. Join us for a brief service of song and prayer to bring warmth and light to the longest night of the year. Fellowship in 5 Points will follow after the service.

Christmas Eve Service: Monday, December 24

Join us for a finger food potluck, festive tunes, exceptional music, and a candlelight Communion service. Potluck at 6pm. Extended prelude at 6:45. Service at 7pm. If you’re able, bring something simple to share for the potluck, and bring friends and family!

Advent: Active, Expectant Waiting

Together with Christians around the globe, we are now in the four-week, ancient celebration of Advent. This season, beginning the new Church year, is a time of communal and personal examination, preparation, and our hopeful, expectant waiting of the coming of God’s justice in the world.

The four weeks preceding Christmas is the in-between time where we learn to settle into the tension between Light and Darkness, present in both our communal and private lives. We acknowledge the courage of both belief and unbelief, and, if we are able, we believe on behalf of others until they are able to believe. We trust the Light has already come and will come again, but for now we hope and we wait.

Third Sunday in Advent

Welcome to Woodland! We’re glad you’re joining us this morning. Take a look at this week’s announcements, and be sure to fill out the visitor card at

You’re invited to rise in body or spirit for items in the bulletin marked with an asterisk*, and respond with the congregation for text that is bold. For now, sit back and relax as we begin the service.



Deanie Richardson & Melissa DuPuy

*Call to Worship

Rejoice in the Holy One always; again, I will say, rejoice.

Let your gentleness be to known to everyone,
for the Holy One is near.

For the Spirit of God is upon us, because the Holy One
has called us to bring good news to the oppressed.

Let your joy be known to everyone,
for the Holy One is near.

Lighting of the Candles

…like the crocus it shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice with
joy and singing.

Come, Christ Jesus, Come!

*Hymn #106

Prepare the Way, O Zion

*Prayer of Confession

Holy God,
In ways that are sometimes very strange,
but more often quite ordinary,
you call us to active participation
in your continuing redemption of all Creation.
But we often refuse to accept our role
in bringing about such redemption.
Help us embrace the encouraging conviction
that your Spirit is slowly but surely bringing to us
and to all humankind
the full measure of your own grace and peace;
and help us live with hope toward a day
when your love for all Creation is embodied
as fully in us as it is in Christ Jesus,
your Beloved One. Amen.

Silent Confession

*Hymn #90

Wait for the Lord, whose day is near.
Wait for the Lord, be strong; take heart! (Repeat all 3x)

*Assurance of Grace

In this season of waiting, the Good News is this: mercy,
new life, hope, and joy are the gifts we receive from our God.

Thanks be to the God of Advent, who is with us now and always, and who will come again in glory! Amen.

*Passing of the Peace

Since we have hope in the peace of Christ, let us love one another.

The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.

The congregation is invited to exchange signs of peace.

*Congregational Response

Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!


Scripture Readings

Isaiah 12:2-6,
Luke 3:7-18

For the word of God in scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us, Thanks be to God.


“How Can I Participate?”

Born and raised in Nashville, Emily Martin graduated from Furman University where she earned a degree in Sociology & Studio Art, served as a mentor for middle school girls, and spent summers working with the youth group at First Presbyterian Church and Daystar Counseling Ministries.

For the last year, she has been working as an executive recruiter with Elevation Search Solutions helping emerging market companies build out their teams.

*Hymn #109

“Blest Be the God of Israel”


Prayers of Supplication and Intercession

O God, in your loving kindness,
Hear our prayer.

The Offering

Deanie Richardson & Melissa DuPuy


Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise God all creatures high and low
Praise God in Jesus fully known
Creator, Word, and Spirit, one.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Service of Ordination and Installation

Today, we celebrate Brett Withers being ordained and installed as well as Greg Gardner and Heidi Hall being installed.

Pastor: There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them.
There are different ways of serving God, but it is the same Lord who is served.
Pastor: God works through each person in a unique way, but it is God’s purpose that is accomplished.
To each is given a gift of the Spirit to be used for the common good.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lift up your hearts,
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.
(The prayer continues.)

Silent meditation.

We give thanks to you in all things, O God, as we pray
together saying:

Our Father-Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive the sins of others. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

*Hymn #105

People, Look East

*Dismissal & Postlude


Young Adult Christmas Party:Thursday, December 13 at 7:30pm. Wear your tackiest sweater and bring a gift under $15 for the gift swap! Contact Emily Martin with questions.

Room In The Inn + Saturday Night Supper: Saturday, December 15 at 5pm.

Longest Night Service (Blue Christmas): 6:00-6:30pm on Friday, December 21.

Christmas can be a difficult time for those experiencing sadness, loss, or grief. Join us for a brief service of song and prayer to bring warmth and light to the longest night of the year. Fellowship in 5 Points will follow after the service.

Christmas Eve Service: Monday, December 24

Join us for a finger food potluck, festive tunes, exceptional music, and a candlelight Communion service. Potluck at 6pm. Extended prelude at 6:45. Service at 7pm. If you’re able, bring something simple to share for the potluck, and bring friends and family!

Advent: Active, Expectant Waiting

Together with Christians around the globe, we are now in the four-week, ancient celebration of Advent. This season, beginning the new Church year, is a time of communal and personal examination, preparation, and our hopeful, expectant waiting of the coming of God’s justice in the world.

The four weeks preceding Christmas is the in-between time where we learn to settle into the tension between Light and Darkness, present in both our communal and private lives. We acknowledge the courage of both belief and unbelief, and, if we are able, we believe on behalf of others until they are able to believe. We trust the Light has already come and will come again, but for now we hope and we wait.