
A Note on Lent:

During the 40-day season of Lent, the words we sing, say and pray invite us to leave the seemingly safe space of our heads, to unclench our grip on our finite lives and our limited intellect, to step beyond our illusion of control, and to enter the seemly risky space of uncertainty and mystery.

In sum, Lent is an invitation to honest self-examination and to becoming more aware of the attitudes and behaviors that keep us from living the life God gives us in the way God desires of us and as revealed in the life, teachings and example of Christ Jesus.  The word “lent” itself comes from the Old English work len(c)ten, meaning “spring season,” thus, through the stillness and attentiveness we prioritize in this season, we begin seeing more clearly the approaching light of spring and the promise of renewal and resurrection.

Our Palm-Passion Sunday service is April 14.  It will be a joint service with our friends at Eastminster.

Our Maundy Thursday service is April 18. Join us for a brief service from 6:30-7:30p.

Our Easter service is Sunday, April 21. It will be a joint service with Eastminster. More details to come!

Join us for our Lenten book study on Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Learning to Walk in the Dark. In this book, Taylor explores the breadth of a spirituality that includes darkness. As we journey through the Lent season, we, too, will dive into a more textured spirituality through Taylor’s words, emerging with her at Easter to find new life—even through the dark!  Co-led by Jenny Cook and Meredith Cox, we will meet the next two Sundays at 9:45am in the Assembly Room.